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Recent content by ezock777

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  1. E

    Favorite music artists?

    I just love music, dont have 1 favorite. Thought I was too old for festivals, but plently more people older than me there, so I am going to some now. Looking forward to next 1 in dec, I am always listening to someting new, get bored listening to the same stuff all the time.
  2. E

    What's your favorite streaming service?

    we watch netflix & u tube mainly
  3. E

    Favorite juice?

    the only time I really drink juice is orange with vodka lol
  4. E

    Do you hit the casino alone or with others?

    Dont have a casino near me, so I dont go very often, but new casino just opened up near my son, so next time it will b with him
  5. E


    that sounds great, will b looking forward to being up & running
  6. E

    Do you play video poker at the casino?

    dont get out often so I want to interact with people, play video poker online at home
  7. E

    What’s something that makes feel instantly better when you’re having a tough day?

    a big hug & smile from daughter is the best if not that then getting shit faced with my BFF with music lol
  8. E

    Do you celebrate your birthday?

    I do for everyone else & I tend to b overlooked
  9. E

    Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy?

    my other half gets annoyed with me playing as thinks I am not interacting but watching channel surfing is boring as & generally not interested in what they r. I am on fixed income, so I am conscious of my spending, also have family/friends who have problems & dont want to b like that, so have...
  10. E

    Have you ever tilted?

    yes, depends on whats happening around me, sometimes I just cant apply myself
  11. E

    Have you ever cheated in playing poker?

    usually just play online, is bluffing cheating? do that sometimes lol but I think everyone does. I played in a few live games at local clubs, but I stopped as cant handle the egos, but when I play with friends I dont, rather win with skill than cheating as I feel ur only ripping urself off &...
  12. E

    What’s the most random place you’ve ever played online poker?

    no, usually just in my lounge room. Interesting question
  13. E

    What types of poker do you know how to play?

    pineapple, hi-lo. I best at hold em, 2-7 poker, hi-low & omaha, been trying to learn the others but not so good atm