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Recent content by Pally

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  1. Pally

    How does table talk affect the game?

    The chatter doesn't impact my play, but it does the experience. I don't know, maybe it is because I'm getting to a certain age where my tolerance for BS is limited, but negativity is just a waste.
  2. Pally

    Who do you like in the Super Bowl?

    I was figuring the Chiefs too, but man, so far it has been a blowout for Philli.
  3. Pally

    Poll option not showing in some sections?

    Roger that. Thanks much.
  4. Pally

    Poll option not showing in some sections?

    Hey all. I tried adding a poll to the American football section, but the option does show there like in other sections. Anyone else see this and know how to fix? Thanks!
  5. Pally

    Who do you like in the Super Bowl?

    Hey all. Who do you think will win the big game? The Kansas City Chiefs or Philadelphia Eagles? Cheers.
  6. Pally

    What's the hardest way to make money online?

    Out of curiosity, what kind of income potential does Discussion Bucks offer in real world terms? I've done at least a couple like those in the past (e.g., Postloop and ForumWheel) and the policies and pay were atrocious. The payouts were a fraction of even some of the crappier content mills...
  7. Pally

    Favorite movies set in or about casinos?

    There's been a lot of pictures made over the years set in, around, or about casinos. Do you have any favorites? Do share. :D
  8. Pally

    New POTUS and changes to casinos/gambling?

    The United States will have a president sworn in next week. He used to own and operate casinos, so is no stranger to the industry. He also claims to be big on deregulation. Any chance we'll see more favorable laws and regulations in gaming, casinos, online venues, etc., here in the States...
  9. Pally

    What's your least favorite casino game?

    Ditto Keno: boring and the odds are heinously bad. I get why it was invented; to keep playing when having a meal, drink, or whatnot. But, man, the numbers stink. Beyond that, most slots don't do anything for me, as I'm a tables game fellow. Sure, to fritter away a few bucks or minutes...
  10. Pally

    How often do you make money online?

    My "day job" is working remotely for a company I've been with on and off for years, so everyday. If you mean side hustles, that is a bit more hit and miss. And with health issues I've had lately, more off than on lately. Though it would be nice to get back into the swing of things.
  11. Pally

    What are the best ways to make money online?

    Actual salaried or hourly jobs online are the best, such as information technology and writing, as examples. Remote work is harder to get into and you have to have a credible resume, but it pays as well as an office or factory job.
  12. Pally

    What's the hardest way to make money online?

    Some of the really low end content writing jobs (e.g., bulk content, forum posting, cheap ad copy, etc.) can be soul-destroying. Those stupid paid surveys too are pretty bad too.
  13. Pally

    Best countries/cities to play live poker, and why?

    Hard to beat Vegas. Reno gets poo-poo'd, but it ain't a bad town. Some of the riverboat-based play in Louisiana is certainly unique.
  14. Pally

    Does having a high IQ give players an advantage?

    I can't imagine it wouldn't. Having a higher IQ is an advantage in almost all spheres of life.
  15. Pally

    How do you build your mindset?

    Just not taking it all that seriously. Life is ups and downs, wins and losses. Same at poker. P.S. I noticed this section is labeled "Phycology", which is the study of algae. I suspect "Psychology" was meant. (Don't mind me; just did a lot of copy editing over the years.)