Recent content by pukana

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  1. P

    My Daily Bankroll Challenge

    ive just noticed this thread and why you grind @Airwalker, sorry to hear of the covid circumstances and sorry to read of the passing of your mum, your an inspiration and should be applauded. your a great player and i wish you all the best on the grind LFG. much love dude
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    Stake @egigga

    if you play some community daily grinds with us all i can consider it but dont feel comfortable staking cash players without information tbh.
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    Stake @egigga

    what stakes do you want a chance at?
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    Stake @egigga

    Its hard to stake cash players with no proof of history, i could be torching money without knowing... mtts are different? what stakes/sites do you normally play cash?
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    Stake @egigga

    can you beat cash games or do you want to play for fun?
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    Stake @egigga

    What stakes do you normally play? do you have a graph for cash games i can see so i can make an informed decision so i can consider?
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    Stake Wednesday Roller - 3 HORSES WANTED

    glgl @bonita @DarwiNKlassiK @Aussiepoker
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    Dead Money - Poker Movie

    I havent seen the movie but i follow Alan Keating on YT, the dude is a crusher and played the best hand of poker in recent years honestly. ill probably watch on downtime too
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    Side Bet Poker Community Daily Grind - SIDE BETS

    ty kcd, i cant really play the mains with focus unless it is the school holidays here, they start 7am my time but i have to get my son ready for school and not home til 8.30. if im in its just a punt unless holidays tbh
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    Side Bet Poker Community Daily Grind - SIDE BETS

    Thank you guys @Bawse @Airwalker @pokerpluagekcd woke up to last longer money being received. gl on the grind today all
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    p to p transfer

    Pray for a p2p update, opens doors all around im sure and needed, even though stock (pokerphilly) does a great job for us it would be time consuming.
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    Welcome to Poker Community V2.0

    Loving the look of the new layout @Bawse i like the color combo and feels like stuff pops out more. navigation looks like it would be easier to me. good job
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    Side Bet Poker Community Daily Grind - SIDE BETS

    ty kcd, yeah if we have a last longer tomorrow ill put both of them in it, if not im good either way just more action for all
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    Side Bet Poker Community Daily Grind - SIDE BETS

    i know you busted in 5th today @rodvney67 but since i busted both you and @Pok333rbrat the same hand, if you both reg tomorrows community game i will put you both in for the last longer action LFG and GL