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What Are The Lessons You Learned from Poker?


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Poker provides you with essential life lessons that goes beyond just the traditional card playing. I have learnt to be patience and money management skills through poker. Also, in poker, I focus on risk management as well. What life lessons have you learnt from playing poker?
Bankroll management, because of poker I manage my money better. I think that's the most important lesson I learned from poker. I also learned that if I work/grind hard I can achieve my goals. I'm a much more patience person in real life, because of my experiences from grinding online poker.
The biggest lesson I've learnt from playing poker is knowing when to stop. This now doesn't only apply to my playing of poker but in doing other things in real life out of the game.
The biggest lesson I've learnt from playing poker is knowing when to stop. This now doesn't only apply to my playing of poker but in doing other things in real life out of the game.
Each and every Poker player needs to develop both self-control and must be disciplined too. For me, through poker, I learnt to control my feelings while playing and during other life activities. My poker experience has developed my ability to demonstrate patience in anything I do.
