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My Poker App Project - club.pkr


New Poker Communist
Poker Room/Site Owner (Verified)
Poker Coins
Hi All,

I'm currently working on poker club management app called club.pkr.

The idea for the app came to me after witnessing the hassle associated within arranging home / live games - Coordinating the date, time, and location, reminding everyone about the buy-in and blinds, tracking attendees, etc.

So here we are, 6/7 months later I have an open beta version of the app available for Android and iOS (via TestFlight).

Current list of key feats:
  • Create and join clubs
  • Chat with club members
  • Arrange cash sessions
  • View and sign-up to upcoming cash sessions
More features in the works!

I'm inviting you all to download and test the app out. All feedback will be welcomed.



Cool app! Do you have any plans to add tournaments for club owners?
Upcoming Updates

The Turn

Expected Release Window - Early February
  • Option to schedule and manage tournament events

The River
Expected Release Window - Mid to Late February
  • Bug fixes
  • Updated process for adding new members to clubs
  • Updated color pallet
  • And more!
    • Further details to be revealed in February

Hi All,

The Turn update is now live and available for both Android and iOS.

New features:
  • Schedule and manage tournament events
  • Manually add players/attendees to events
  • View and manage event players/attendees
  • Bug fixes
Links can be found on our website.
Quick Update

Mobile App Development
The app is still in the works. I had planned to release the new version this weekend, but some unexpected issues have delayed that. We're now aiming for next week.

Club Admin Dashboard
Things are progressing nicely on this front! For those who aren’t aware, I’ve decided to create a web-based dashboard for club admins. This will allow admins to perform all the tasks currently available in the app, plus a few new features, more details to be provided soon.

I hope to have the beta version of the dashboard available for testing within the next couple of week.
Another day, another update!

The last version of the app is now available download on Android. I hope to have the iOS version available soon.

Release Notes:
  • New Features:
    • Club administrators now have the ability to record player buy-ins and payouts.
    • Added the option to update the status of active sessions / events. Status options include: *Upcoming > Active > Complete*
  • Enhancements:
    • Improved club member invitation system.
    • Updated app registration process.
  • The app no longer requires access to your contacts list.
  • General Improvements: Various bug fixes to enhance performance and user experience.

Known Issues:
- During club creation, the process still requires sending at least one club invitation.
- On the Player Payout Card, the "Owed Amount" displays as 0.00 when the "In For" amount equals the "Out For" amount.
- Able to send multiple club invitations to the same recipient

As always, thanks in advance for testing and feedback.
