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How does table talk affect the game?


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Table talk will significantly affect the game because it shapes both player decisions and shows their hand strength. Poker players make use of talk either to misdirect opponents through deception or to actually establish friendly connections by sharing information. At what stage do you determine that friendly conversation meets its limit ?
Table talk doesn't affect how I play. I try to stay locked-in. I also don't play live very much. I won't talk at all, if I'm involved in a hand.
The chatter doesn't impact my play, but it does the experience. I don't know, maybe it is because I'm getting to a certain age where my tolerance for BS is limited, but negativity is just a waste.
Table talk doesn't affect how I play. I try to stay locked-in. I also don't play live very much. I won't talk at all, if I'm involved in a hand.

I am someone who wouldn't want to talk at all once I am playing. This is because I would want to focus in order to get things done. Talking is not an effective way to play, as far as I am concerned.
