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  1. Pally

    Media section has been added to our community. Share poker images, and videos with comments!

    Very neato. Started poking (or poker-ing, if you will) around with this tonight. Thanks. (y)
  2. Peach.png


    Tombstone (1993) fun
  3. Pally

    What are you listening to?

    Listening to ol' blue eyes tonight. This one reminds me of poker, in many ways.
  4. Pally

    Do you hit the casino alone or with others?

    No worries, I was just wondering. I understand some of the conventions are different over in Europe. The odds two on some games, like roulette.
  5. Pally

    Do you hit the casino alone or with others?

    Out of curiosity, what is the casino options like over in the United Kingdom? I never played over their, so just wondering. (Here the states, it really depends on where you are. Out here in the west there's a bunch of options; Nevada naturally, but lots of Native American tribes have resorts...
  6. Pally

    Watch Poker Games?

    On and off, like other interests. When I do, I find it fun.
  7. Pally

    Do you hit the casino alone or with others?

    I did the casino alone yesterday, but not for long. Was there for a deep tissue massage. After, scoped out the table games, but, alas, nothing was interesting. All the blackjack tables were full, only one poker table open, and roulette was closed. Ended up nursing a couple G&Ts at one the...
  8. Pally

    Do you play sports betting?

    I haven't done the sports betting thing, but I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl. I know some guys really clean up doing so and there ain't anything wrong with that.
  9. Pally


    Just thought I'd say hey to you fine folks as I signed up today. I'm no good at this type of intros, but just an ol' gambler that likes poker and a casino games, good times, with good friends. The pandemic years put a major crimp in my style, in a manner of speaking, but back at it. Hoping to...
  10. Pally

    Games you enjoy though the odds are bad?

    Curious if others have some favorites. For me? It is roulette. The odds are pretty bad, particularly on American, rather than European, wheels. But it can be a nice, slow paced way to play, and hang out with my wife. We both enjoy a cocktail, place our bets, and talk. If we win, è...
  11. Pally

    How do you reset your mind after a bad beat or big loss?

    It is actually a real good question. When I was younger, it hit me a lot harder than now. Now, well, just figure it is part of life. And nothing wrong with taking a break and enjoying something else. Don't get me wrong; no one in their right mind likes loses. I sure as heck don't. But got...
  12. Pally

    professional wrestling

    I hear ya. It can be a brutal sport. But I do enjoy watching the sweet science in action. I boxed amateur when I was a young man. Haha, maybe I had some good sense punched out of me?
  13. Pally

    What's your favorite browser?

    Chrome on most devices. Safari on iphone.
  14. Pally

    Gambling on bingo

    Me personally, no. Not knocking it, just not my bag. My wife likes to play sometimes. The casino near us has weekly games on a floor above the main gaming floor. Her and some of her lady friends have done it at times, though not recently. Too each their own, naturally.
  15. Pally

    professional wrestling

    Naw. Not even sure I even watched a single episode, or match, or whatever they call it. The only sport I've watched religiously is boxing. But to each their own. :)
  16. Pally

    Is high IQ needed to succeed in poker?

    I don't know that you really do. As mentioned, you just got to be the best at the table. And, well, there's no getting around luck. That said, can't hurt to have some brains too. With a game like blackjack, however, it pays to have a good memory and know how to crunch numbers fast in your...
  17. Pally

    Did you have a poker mentor?

    I never did formally, but I learned the game from my older brothers, the eldest the most so. (I came from a big family with six kids, me being number three.) My older brother, he taught me a lot of things, including getting started in poker. Ever since he got back from the war he hasn't been...
  18. Pally

    Have you considered quitting your job to play poker full time?

    Me personally? Naw. Sure, like a lot of guys, I've had day dreams about being a professional gambler. But I've got a good paying, steady, if somewhat boring, day job that I can't see giving up. Particularly so since I'm not all that far away from retirement years. I look at poker, and other...
  19. Pally

    Do you hit the casino alone or with others?

    Live gaming can be a lot of fun. Depending on the folks involved, the vibe can really add to the experience. Ditto some of the other accommodations at a good casino resort (e.g., dining, spa, etc.). Anyway, best wishes to you and your special lady. :)
  20. Pally

    Do you buy scratchoff tickets?

    Oh, it was many years ago, so I don't recall. But it wasn't much; little more than money one would live for a tip.