Search results

  1. M

    On an average, how much do you lose/ gain on betting per week?

    I don't use to keep such records. I play for fun and don't necessarily care how much i gain or loss in my gambling activities. Gambling is fun for me not a means to make millions.
  2. M

    Poker champ Maria Konnikova describes humble beginnings and cheating problem

    I totally agreed with her that poker teaches us about decision making and psychology of players. In fact, poker is game that involves a lot of discipline and strokes of luck. Poker actually depicts human nature and reality of life.
  3. M

    Have you ever gotten someone into playing poker?

    No! I avoid telling people about poker especially my friends and relatives because they don't know am a seasoned gambler. Moreover, in my society, gamblers are seen as disillusioned and confused set of people. I don't want to be tagged a chronic gambler.
  4. M

    Do you like playing poker with friends?

    Am extreme introvert and i don't have much friends. Moreover, few of my friends don't play poker! I prefer to play alone and catch my fun alone. Secondly, i don't think my friends are aware am a gambler!😂😂😂😂
  5. M

    Why do you keep playing the poker after losing huge money?

    I never loss huge amount of money in playing poker or other forms of gambling. I play for fun and don't expect much from the games. Due to the fact, i don't throw my money careless on the board, i never feel compelled to recover my losses. Once, i reach my tolerance limit, am done.
  6. M

    Playing for fun or money?

    I think for both. Playing games for money alone can bring a whole lot of pressure. Therefore, a smart player play for both. Fun reduce pressure and make your game more easy and flexible. Remember, if you play poker simply because of the money, you are likely to be emotionally unsettled.
  7. M

    Hello! Buddies

    Hello friends! Am new here. Everything about the forum is fascinating and properly organized! I think is the right place for me. Am a lover of poker and it seems every information i need is here! Please welcome me with lovely emojis