
  1. claudefolds

    Which Buy-In Tournaments Do You Prefer?

    1. $1 Buy-in ($100 prize) 2. $10 Buy-in ($1k prize) 3. $100 Buy-in ($10k prize) 4. $1k Buy-in ($100k prize) 5. Freeroll ($10~$50 prize)
  2. Bawse

    $150 December StockPoker Leaderboard Freeroll START DATE - Top 24 Players - Get your leaderboard points in daily buy-in!

    We got FOUR DAILY BUY-INS left for December StockPoker leaderboard, there's still time to qualify for our leaderboard at: Come join us at, and please use the referral/bonus code BAWSEGRIND when you sign up. You can get the...
  3. Bawse

    Daily Poker.Community Buy-in on DarkSidePoker

    Come play the new daily $1.10 buy-in at New game has been added to the lobby for our community, no password needed. Game is daily at 10am Eastern. New players please use the referral code BAWSE. If you cannot make a deposit, you're welcome to play in the daily...
  4. Bawse

    Stock Poker Freeroll & Buy-in Results April 6, 2024

    @Donkosaurus is the winner of todays freeroll, and a trophy has also been added to your profile! Our stock poker freeroll today had 18 players. Let's try and get 30+ participants for next week, and beat our personal record of 21 players in one of our games. Here's all the players that cashed...
  5. Bawse

    Stock Poker Freeroll & Buy-in Results March 30, 2024

    Zorkizim999 is the winner of our $25 Poker Community Freeroll on Stock Poker. Today's game had 21 players. Zorkizim999 please contact me, so I can award the freeroll trophy to your profile. Buy-in results will be posted below when game is complete. Buy-in Password: WELCOME1
  6. Bawse

    $25 Stock Poker Freeroll & $10 GTD $1.05 Buy-in THIS SATURDAY. NOT SUNDAY, same start times

    Our games on will be this Saturday at 6:30 PM EASTERN or 18:30, our buy-in will start 3 hours after the freeroll begins. The freeroll will have 4200 starting chips in the $25 Poker Community Freeroll. Buy-in will have 8400 starting chips in the $10 NLHE Poker...
  7. Bawse

    Stock Poker Freeroll and Buy-in Results March 24, 2024

    21 players joined today's freeroll. Our trophy winner is Alexison. Please let us know your screen name on our poker forums, so we can reward the trophy. @URINETROUBLE won a $5 bounty for eliminating me. Buy-in just started. 1 hour late registration. WELCOME1 password. I'll post the results in...
  8. Bawse

    Do you play better when on your last buy-in?

    If you asked me this question a few months ago. I would probably say, yes. I had runs where all my money was on the line, and usually when I'm nervous it brings out the best in my game. However, this year I've been focusing hard on bankroll management, and it's benefited my game tremendously...
  9. Bawse

    StockPoker Freeroll and Buy-in Results March 17 2024

    Sorry I was a little late to post the final results. Crest79 won the $5 bounty in our buy-in! @Skrillah80 (Rawdog80) is our trophy winner for winning the freeroll. I'll be keeping track of wins, and adding winners for past tourneys once I make changes to the trophy system. We play again NEXT...
  10. Bawse

    StockPoker Buy-in Results, March 10, 2024

    @"CrAzY ShEeP" is the winner of both our games, and both bounties! On fire! The buy-in only had 3 players, but we promoted the games late today. Next week hopefully we get a better showing! I'm going to make it a 10 player minimum for trophies, hope you don't mind that.
  11. Bawse

    StockPoker $1 Buy-in $10 GTD Results - March 03, 2024

    IBLUFFINU was the $5 bounty winner for the KO of BawseGrind(myself), and our trophy winner is sasquatch for taking first place in our buy-in! Congratulations to both, and good luck in next weeks games. 10 players played in todays buy-in. If sasquatch has an account on our forums, please let us...
  12. Bawse

    StockPoker - Poker Community Freeroll & Buy-in Every Saturday

    Referral Code: BAWSEGRIND (For New Sign Ups) Join us every Saturday on Stock Poker in our $25 FREE ROLL. Freeroll starts at 6:30 PM EASTERN and buy-in starts at 9:30 PM est. Freeroll passwords will be available to all freeroll club members in a private forum exclusive for members that join...