coding poker sites

Country code top-level domains with commercial licenses are Internet country code top-level domain that have adopted a policy for worldwide commercial use.
Some of the world's smallest countries have opened their country code domain to worldwide registrations for commercial purposes. For example, Tuvalu and the Federated States of Micronesia, small island-states in the Pacific, have partnered with VeriSign and FSM Telecommunications respectively, to sell domain name registrations using the TV and fm TLDs to television and radio stations.
Some commercially available ccTLDs are in demand for use outside their home countries because their name can provide a component of a meaningful word or phrase. These are sometimes referred to as vanity ccTLDs.

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  1. Bawse

    What programming language is most suitable for a online poker site?

    There's a few options you could use to code a poker site. I believe it's possible in HTML5, C++, and #C. You can also use Unity which is a game engine, and uses lots of pre-built functions. What programming language is the best solution for coding a poker room?