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no limit holdem

Texas hold 'em (also known as Texas holdem, hold 'em, and holdem) is one of the most popular variants of the card game of poker. Two cards, known as hole cards, are dealt face down to each player, and then five community cards are dealt face up in three stages. The stages consist of a series of three cards ("the flop"), later an additional single card ("the turn" or "fourth street"), and a final card ("the river" or "fifth street"). Each player seeks the best five-card poker hand from any combination of the seven cards: the five community cards and their two hole cards. Players have betting options to check, call, raise, or fold. Rounds of betting take place before the flop is dealt and after each subsequent deal. The player who has the best hand and has not folded by the end of all betting rounds wins all of the money bet for the hand, known as the pot. In certain situations, a "split pot" or "tie" can occur when two players have hands of equivalent value. This is also called "chop the pot". Texas hold 'em is also the H game featured in HORSE and HOSE.

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  1. How to Play No Limit Holdem

    How to Play No Limit Holdem

    Video instructions on how to play no limit holdem from Pokerstars.
  2. Bawse

    Newbie Guide on How to Play Poker: No Limit Holdem

    I'm going to assume you never played poker before, and if anyone thinks I should add/edit anything to this post, please let me know in the replies. All players are dealt two cards, usually 9 players per table. Each player uses two cards from their hand, and up to 5 cards from the community...