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poker blacklist

Cereus Poker Network was an online poker network comprising Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. The site is now insolvent and not processing player withdrawals. Cereus is owned by a private company, Blanca Games. Blanca Games bought all Network assets in August 2010 from Tokwiro Enterprises. The Cereus network was one of the world's ten largest online poker cardrooms prior to losing the majority of its player base in the wake of the April 15, 2011 online poker indictments.

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  1. Bawse

    Online Poker Room Blacklist

    I decided to create a list of poker sites that you should avoid playing. If you feel any online poker rooms should be added to the list(or removed). Please let me know in the comments! ACRPoker/AmericasCardroom: I personally refuse to play 1 more hand at ACR. I have played 1000+ MTT's on ACR...