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Do you believe any poker sites have a doom switch?


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I've joked about a doom switch being on my account. I wouldn't play any sites if I believed the integrity was in question.

Do you think any poker sites have a doom/kill switch they can turn on in the back office of the software?
I have been playing on PokerStars mich and have noticed that players rarely use the chatbox always check to see if their multitasking find it odd they never talk. Moreover, players seem to have an uncanny ability to catch the right river card. My style of aggressive betting often involves placing large bets to pressure opponents, but their frequent successful calls have left me perplexed. Despite my consistent strategy, opponents often catch the necessary cards on the river, which has significantly impacted my gameplay experience. As a result, I've become disillusioned and have decided to stop depositing on the platform due to these recurring patterns and my overall discomfort with the gameplay dynamics
I've noticed occasions before where I've had particularly bad runs of "bad beats", but I chalk it down to randomness over playing over an extended period of time. In my view, it's better for me to think of it that way than call into question the ethics of the site, as that'd probably make me want to stop playing altogether if I thought too much on it. :p
early on id think sites had a "doom button" and some players have "lucky accounts" lol all the paranoid/superstitious stuff. over the years + millions of hands i actually dont believe it BUT i do think you are rewarded for the right play at the right stack depths just the same as you are punished for making bad plays at certain stacks. to win mtts.... you normally need a big hand to lay down pre, call a big hand late game, triple barrel bluff against CL and constantly steal blinds, maybe a big river fold or 2 will help. get the timing right and it feels like magic not doomed. gl on the felt
the sites control how much action per hand there is , thats for sure , thats why some some sites are harder , example sports book/ bet on us , extremly hard to be consistant wins there. ive seen data in a blog on them not to mention played there long time. some times when i /us get in a weird losing streak , does make you wonder !!!!! ?? probally no kill switches but for sure they manipulate the hands
the sites control how much action per hand there is , thats for sure , thats why some some sites are harder , example sports book/ bet on us , extremly hard to be consistant wins there. ive seen data in a blog on them not to mention played there long time. some times when i /us get in a weird losing streak , does make you wonder !!!!! ?? probally no kill switches but for sure they manipulate the hands
You think some sites manipulate the outcome of hands? I honestly thought that about ACR/WPN for awhile, one of the reasons I avoid the network, and I do have a winning graph on ACR, 1000+ tourneys. I don't trust the RNG.

Sportsbooks they put whatever odds the want to favour the house/site.
the sites control how much action per hand there is , thats for sure , thats why some some sites are harder , example sports book/ bet on us , extremly hard to be consistant wins there. ive seen data in a blog on them not to mention played there long time. some times when i /us get in a weird losing streak , does make you wonder !!!!! ?? probally no kill switches but for sure they manipulate the hands
its a big call to say they manipulate hands and control the action reason being you can fold any hand you want at any time AA 72 anything. so you are in control of your destiny until you leave it up to the RNG and get it in. when your not doing to well or on a downswing put your avg buyin into a variance calculator and look at the swings that can really happen and be thankful im sure of it.
anyone remember the pokerstars show "the big game" and the guy lays down AA pre that would of lost to 66 and he scooped 200k or something.....its a feeling
the sites can control the amount of action in a hand , there are like 2 or 3 sometimes 4 pocket pairs in 1 hand . more action , means more people in , you dont get same folks wining alot , come think about

sites make sure thers plenty action per hand , for the most time , iv lived it , seen stuyds, your not playing some of these sites , or you havent put it together , ive played alot of sites , the bigger they r , more the percentages are cranked up

how can u be sure of it , ive seen the evedince for bet on us , its real , they dont control who wins but they make sure theres lots action

aa folding to 66 prefolp has nothing to do with higher volume of hds

its not munipulating hands , its maker sure lots diff folks win ,

they give mutyable hands to players , now you got 3 to 5 in pre flop , all have really decent chances of winng , its over board percentages ,

bet on us/online they was a 10,000 hand review it showed what i felt and was seeing , you can asked to anylize and in this case they like ok , 10k worth of hands , it showed increases in all levels of winning hands , more of everthing, some higher than others , but all were higher than NORMAL percentages. i played there 10 years , mostly over winter only when concert biz slowed, , remember they write the programming, so adjusting higher percentages wont get you in trouble , it hurts us the better players i think more
anyone remember the pokerstars show "the big game" and the guy lays down AA pre that would of lost to 66 and he scooped 200k or something.....its a feeling

That was one of my favorite shows. It's when 66 wins 9 out 10 times..etc Craziness like that makes me wonder sometimes.
the sites can control the amount of action in a hand , there are like 2 or 3 sometimes 4 pocket pairs in 1 hand . more action , means more people in , you dont get same folks wining alot , come think about

sites make sure thers plenty action per hand , for the most time , iv lived it , seen stuyds, your not playing some of these sites , or you havent put it together , ive played alot of sites , the bigger they r , more the percentages are cranked up

how can u be sure of it , ive seen the evedince for bet on us , its real , they dont control who wins but they make sure theres lots action

aa folding to 66 prefolp has nothing to do with higher volume of hds

its not munipulating hands , its maker sure lots diff folks win ,

they give mutyable hands to players , now you got 3 to 5 in pre flop , all have really decent chances of winng , its over board percentages ,

bet on us/online they was a 10,000 hand review it showed what i felt and was seeing , you can asked to anylize and in this case they like ok , 10k worth of hands , it showed increases in all levels of winning hands , more of everthing, some higher than others , but all were higher than NORMAL percentages. i played there 10 years , mostly over winter only when concert biz slowed, , remember they write the programming, so adjusting higher percentages wont get you in trouble , it hurts us the better players i think more
i agree with sites wanting to let more players win but for the others you still have control to outplay your opponents. plenty of ways to play pairs multiway set mine 3b 4b fold its your choice, the aces hand was just an example of what can be done to win. lets be honest, you and i both know once you are in a multiway pot with aces kings or any nutted hand, the chances of winning drop the more people in the hand... soo play more HU hands and sometimes you need to fold monsters multiway (TT JJ QQ AKs) and watch the damage that could of been. 10k hands is a poor sample i played 18000+ hands on stock alone last month. people try to win mtts in the very next hand (reason for punts) not knowing it could go 5+ hrs longer. just need to be patient and let the blinds put people under pressure and weasel them out slowly. when you say they crank the percentages up whats the evidence and what exactly does it do? i still dont get it really, more donks in the hands gambling for pots? know where your edges are against general population and milk it til the cows come home
That was one of my favorite shows. It's when 66 wins 9 out 10 times..etc Craziness like that makes me wonder sometimes.
haha yeah was one of my favorite shows too, i remember staying up til 1am to watch 1 or 2 hours of the wsop on espn and never missing episodes. was before there was alot of poker on YT i think.
what i saw in those 10k hands or more this was like 20 years ago ,could been more hands , in most normal gms u might have 2 /3 people in a hand with pocket pairs, well at bet/ sports book , its more common to have 3 ,4 or 5 people in a hand with pocket pairs, and this happens many times throughtout the whole gm, normal would be 1 /2 people with sets , at bet / sports book there will be average more often 3 people with sets hitting, theres just more action coming at you at higher percentages than in normal gms do you understand that , stock,we play, actually have a more normal rng set up we dont see those thins happing to often . thats all im trying to say , its not about folding or playing better hands etc etc, please tell me you understand
if the sites are throwing out more hands ,people want to play then to me and others thats higher percentages against you, harder to win no matter what you have if theres always more people in , there in because as i mentioned above there giving more starting hands out, how often do you see , not mtt gms, 4 / 5 people consistinly in , /4/5 pp pre flop , 2/3 sets hitting , even sghts and other hands all hitting more than normal, ive seen 5 million or more hands by now got 30 years in playing, so i belive ive seen alot ,and lived it , it happens you can always tell the sites that do it .
A lot of people say ACR Poker has a “doom switch”.

1. Unreal Bad Beats – You get it in good, and somehow the worst possible card always comes. Feels scripted.
2. “Action Flops” – Ever notice how often hands turn into crazy all-ins? Some say ACR’s RNG creates action-heavy boards to drive up rake.
3. Bots & Collusion – ACR has banned bots before, but some believe they still run rampant.

Ever had a stretch where it felt like ACR flipped the “doom switch” on you?
@Cpvr my graph on WPN A.K.A ACR Poker isn't that bad, but I suspected a rigged RNG so I stop playing there. I haven't played on ACR in about 2 years. I left on a downward spiral, and I was regularly crushing MTT's before my downswing.

