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Do you have fun playing poker even when your losing?


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Do you still have fun playing poker, win or lose? Do you still try to have a good time even if you lose at poker?

I try to always have fun, no matter what. I do get frustrated, but it happens to all of us. Reset, and come back when I'm in a better mood.
nothing is really fun when your losing but you can limit how much you lose and try learn something, easier said than done at times. try not to tilt and chase loses is part of the mental/long game. BRM eases the pain so thats key tbh, aces hold with $100 in your account but lose in your last $1 game its poker i guess....
The game of poker delivers pure enjoyment regardless of my outcomes whether I win or lose. The relationship I have with my fellow players and the challenging gameplay makes it even more enjoyable.
I don't go about trying to cry or wail when I am losing. I focus more on learning and understanding what is making a rival to win. It is standard practice to get used to doing that most of the time as far as I am concerned.
