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Do you see yourself playing poker for the rest of your life?


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I see myself owning for the rest of my life. I'll take breaks, but I'll never truly quit playing poker.

How about you? Are you going to play poker for the rest of your life?
I wouldn't say I will always see myself playing poker all my life but it will be something I come back to once in a while when I have the time.
I won't unequivocally say that I'm going to be playing Poker for the rest of my life because there's nothing guaranteed in someone's life. There are things which might happen and it's going to change everything about your life. All I can say is that I'm going play as long as I have the drive to do so.
I always take breaks from playing some times and it is as a result of not getting addicted to playing poker for so long. So, I guess that I will get to an age where I will quit playing the game.
No I don't see myself playing for the rest of my life. That much I can assure you. Definitely wouldn't put too much money on the line and wouldn't do it for a living.
As long as I am mentally able to I will always play poker. I love the game!
