Poker Community, Online Poker Forums

Join our poker forum today to talk strategy, and participate in private poker games with our members. Once signed in to your account, you'll get instant access to the passwords for our private tournaments.

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StockPoker Leaderboard

Guidelines/rules for requesting a stake on Poker.Community


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Poker Coins
StockPoker Screen Name
Guidelines for posting in the Horses/Stakes Marketplace.
  • (optional) Provide a link to either SharkScope, PokerProLabs, or HendonMob to provide potential backers with graphs/statistics.
  • Choose whether or not you're a horse or backer before posting a new thread, and select the correct prefix.
  • Let our members know what you plan on playing, and how much you will give them for backing you.
  • Uphold and maintain a good reputation in the marketplace.
This list is likely change once the marketplace get's going. Feedback is welcome.
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Guidelines for posting in the Horses/Stakes Marketplace.
  • (optional) Provide a link to either SharkScope, PokerProLabs, or HendonMob to provide potential backers with graphs/statistics.
  • Let our members know what you plan on playing, and how much you will give them for backing you.
  • Uphold and maintain a good reputation in the marketplace.
This list is likely change once the marketplace get's going. Feedback is welcome.
Oh! Tell us more about the marketplace!!
