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StockPoker Leaderboard

New leaderboard/profile trophies with icons


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I rewarded myself, and @Donkosaurus with leaderboard trophies for November. I got 1st on the monthly leaderboard(last month), and @Donkosaurus got 1st in the finals. The trophy will be added to his profile, the next time he logs in. Each month we'll have two trophies, one for the monthly leaderboard, and another for the finals winner.
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I rewarded myself, and @Donkosaurus with leaderboard trophies for November. I got 1st on the monthly leaderboard(last month), and @Donkosaurus got 1st in the finals. The trophy will be added to his profile, the next time he logs in. Each month we'll have two trophies, one for the monthly leaderboard, and another for the finals winner.
Well done @Donkosaurus with the trophy congratulations
