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Poker Community Daily Grinds Will Be Joining Twitch Home Game Series on StockPoker


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Some of you already know that the Poker Community Daily Grinds on Saturdays players will earn leaderboard points towards both home game leaderboards. It's in the best interest of both sides to collaborate to grow both our games going forward.

All streamers in the Poker Community Daily Grinds will have a $4.40 bounty on Saturdays!
There'll still be a weekend $5 bounty on BawseGrind too (Saturday & Sunday in Daily Grind)!

@Aussiepoker @lbrew1 and Kimmy725 will have $4.40 bounties on Saturdays in the daily grinds.

The daily grinds also have a new start time, one hour later. Our games now start daily @ 3:30PM EST.

Daily Grind Leaderboard:
Twitch Leaderboard:

Twitch Channels/Home Games (9PM EST GAME TIME)

AussiePoker/Kick the Kangaroo
Lbrew1/Brew Crew Bash:
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