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Foods you can’t stand?


Staff member
Poker Coins
What are some foods that you can't stand to eat? Are there any meals that you think are disgusting and would never eat if someone offered them to you?
The only foods that I will not eat are mushrooms and organ meat. I'm open to pretty much everything else.

Oh! Tofu, no thanks.
Oh! Tofu, no thanks.
I'm in Japan and this is served quite often as a side. I'll turn it down, but not because I don't like the flavor. I think it was the cause of havoc on my endocrine system, which now makes me have to inject test every week for life.

Other than that, some fishes I can't stand. I don't know the names off the top of my head, but it's a white fish meat (if that narrows it down any 😂 ) that's the worst.
I don't like blue cheese. The sight of it alone makes me throw up. It's a no for me. I also don't like fresh fish except if it's fried or smoked.
I'm in Japan and this is served quite often as a side. I'll turn it down, but not because I don't like the flavor. I think it was the cause of havoc on my endocrine system, which now makes me have to inject test every week for life.

Other than that, some fishes I can't stand. I don't know the names off the top of my head, but it's a white fish meat (if that narrows it down any 😂 ) that's the worst.
There’s a lot of people in Texas that love crawfish, but I can’t stand it. It’s nasty to me.
