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Playing for fun or money?

Ja sa bong

Regular Poker Communist
Poker Coins
There's always a motive behind how any poker player goes at his or her game. I believe that it's either money motive or just for fun.

When it comes to how I play, it's always for the win and the money. I have so many other ways to have fun, so when I decide to go into playing poker, it's definitely about the money first.
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I can't play for play money anymore. I use to when I first started. If I'm bored, and I don't feel like risking any of my bankroll.
I'll play freerolls, so if I run good I can still earn a few bucks.
I don't play for money. I always play with my family for fun. Not only that, but I just don't see a need to play for money. I live on a fixed income and can not afford to lose any amount of money.
Soulwatcher said:
I don't play for money. I always play with my family for fun. Not only that, but I just don't see a need to play for money. I live on a fixed income and can not afford to lose any amount of money.
I would play for the fun, money would be nice, but I would never get ahead enough.

You can play for fun with us on Sundays, and maybe win some money for free in our $25 freeroll on Stock Poker.
I always focus on playing for money now. I don't want to play for fun. I used to do that when I was in the learning stages, but not anymore.
Sometimes playing for money you get a different experience but I am not someone that feels I am lucky enough to play for money all the time. Due to this I much prefer to play poker most of the time for fun rather than money.
I don't play for money just for fun but I used to play where you can bet up to a quarter. You can win about $30 max in a night and the most you can lose is about the same.
I can't play poker for no stakes. I mean, i can, I wouldn't be very invested though. Probably jam alot of bad hands until I was eliminated.
Competing for no prize is rather boring. When there is no money involved then people do not focus on the game. They take wrong choices and perform badly. It’s with fun and exciting if there is something to win or lose.
It's not fun OR money. It is for fun AND money. If it was fun and no money or money but not fun, I might play some when I was really bored but would definitely not play as much as I do now. But I really need it to be fun AND offer a monetary reward too.
I play for fun since the pots I play are so small. It's more about having a good experience than making a bit extra scratch that I wouldn't otherwise need anyway.
I play for fun since the pots I play are so small. It's more about having a good experience than making a bit extra scratch that I wouldn't otherwise need anyway.

Pot control is key to having success playing poker. I like to keep pots small, and catch the fish on the hook when I'm very strong. I also kept a note in my brain when I heard Phil Ivey mention he also likes to play small pots. I find you last longer when you're patient, and you don't try to rush the process.
Pot control is key to having success playing poker. I like to keep pots small, and catch the fish on the hook when I'm very strong. I also kept a note in my brain when I heard Phil Ivey mention he also likes to play small pots. I find you last longer when you're patient, and you don't try to rush the process.
That's a good strategy to have if you're in it for the money. Collect the small posts, and gain experience on focusing on the game for the larger wins.
There's always a motive behind how any poker player goes at his or her game. I believe that it's either money motive or just for fun.

When it comes to how I play, it's always for the win and the money. I have so many other ways to have fun, so when I decide to go into playing poker, it's definitely about the money first.
The only free poker I play is the free poker league at our local bar. Too 3 get food vouchers so it's worth it, bc the food is really good.
Honestly, it's more of playing for fun with me now when it comes to poker. I used to put more attention to playing for money but it wasn't working out so well, I decided to now do it for fun. If I win money while at it, that's good.
