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What's a good VPIP to have in tournaments?


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VPIP = Voluntary Put Money In Pot

As the title says, what VPIP would you consider to be solid percentage/player?

I think if players play 20% or less hands in tournaments, they're usually pretty solid. Typically, the less hands you play the stronger hands you end up playing.
Baw$e said:
VPIP = Voluntary Put Money In Pot

As the title says, what VPIP would you consider to be solid percentage/player?

I think if players play 20% or less hands in tournaments, they're usually pretty solid. Typically, the less hands you play the stronger hands you end up playing.

VPIP is a more complicated subject than most people think you can't just say you should play a certain percentage of hands or less. Every position has its own v pip that is profitable, your image at the table also will determine what vpip is best for you.
VPIP is a more complicated subject than most people think you can't just say you should play a certain percentage of hands or less. Every position has its own v pip that is profitable, your image at the table also will determine what vpip is best for you.
I sort of agree if you play cash games. However, in tournaments I think tighter players usually last longer.
