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What odds/math do you memorize while playing poker?


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I've memorized the odds of flush draws it's good to understand the odds/percentages of making a flush.
If you have a flush draw on the flop. The odds of making a flush draw are only 35%, and if you miss on the turn, you have a 19.1% chance to make the flush on the river.

Also, being able to count how many outs you have to make your hand is a good practice. As you gain experience, it becomes easier to count outs, and memorize it.

What are more odds that are important to keep track of while playing poker?
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I read a book years back and still use the same method now. on the flop count outs and multiply by 4 so 9 outs for a flush draw =36ish % and on the turn count outs and multiply by 2 which = 18% roughly. works on all hands as long as you know your outs to the nuts. might help someone
I read a book years back and still use the same method now. on the flop count outs and multiply by 4 so 9 outs for a flush draw =36ish % and on the turn count outs and multiply by 2 which = 18% roughly. works on all hands as long as you know your outs to the nuts. might help someone
Phil Gordon, Little Green Book
I have memorized the statistical probability of drawing a straight into 31.5% on flop cards and 17.4% on turn cards. My calculation of findings allows me to take better decisions when playing at a table.
I have memorized the statistical probability of drawing a straight into 31.5% on flop cards and 17.4% on turn cards. My calculation of findings allows me to take better decisions when playing at a table.
yeah, that sounds about right for open ended straight draw, gutshots your looking at 17% flop 8% turn roughly
