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  1. Henry

    Is Gundogan returning the right move?

    Ikay Gundogan just resigned to Manchester City from Barcelona after leaving some seasons ago. There are fans who are saying that he should have stayed at Barcelona and help pull them up from the issues they are having. What do you think about that?
  2. Henry

    Have you ever been verbally abused?

    There are words that can hurt deeper than actions. Have you ever been in a relationship where you were verbally abused? How were you able to handle that kind of situation?
  3. Henry

    Ever slept off while watching a movie?

    When you watch movies, have you ever had the experience of sleeping off when you are watching one. How did you react when you woke up afterwards from the sleep?
  4. Henry

    What makes you stay awake at night?

    There is always something that can keep someone awake and not have a good sleep. What is that particular thing that can make you have a sleepless night?
  5. Henry

    What do you know about SNG strategies in Poker?

    The SNG strategies which is the Sit-n-Go strategies is all about adapting to the special dynamics of a single-table tournament with a fixed number of participants such as 10 or 6. When you take part in SNG, what are the strategies that you implement?
  6. Henry

    What are short-handed tournament strategies?

    Short-handed poker strategies are all about techniques that you can use when playing tourneys with less than 6 players. One of the strategies that one can use is to play aggressively and go all out. Which of the strategies do you always use and why?
  7. Henry

    How do you read a rival's betting pattern in Poker?

    When it comes to Poker, it is important to understand how to read the betting patterns of rivals. One of the ways to do this is to know their betting tendacies in different positions and situations. What are the other ways to do this?
  8. Henry

    Do you see Ugarte shinning at Manchester United?

    Manchester United is now on the verge of completing the transfer for the Uruguayan midfielder. This transfer has lingered for almost this season. Do you think he will be a massive signing for the club?
  9. Henry

    What sports do you think has the most fans?

    We have a lot of sports in the world. The football, basketball, and all of other sports. Which sports do you think has got the biggest fan base in the world?
  10. Henry

    Should Oshimen join Chelsea or go to Saudi?

    The Nigerian striker is now on the road of whether he is to join Chelsea or join a club in Saudi Arabia where he can earn good money. What do you think he should do right now?
  11. Henry

    Do you still speak to old friends?

    We always have people who are our friends from a decade or more. Have you kept in communication with those of them? How were you able to do that?
  12. Henry

    Have you ever been drunk in your life?

    I've been drunk and ended up saying a whole lot that I shouldn't have said. It was a funny period and some of my friends still makes jokes because of that.
  13. Henry

    Do you still use a diary?

    I have not made use of one for some time now and it it is certainly because I record most of the things on my smartphone.
  14. Henry

    Do you drink enough water daily?

    We are similar. I focus on drinking more water, and it is because I know how important taking water can be in terms of ensuring you live a healthy life.
  15. Henry

    How many times do you wake up before morning?

    It depends on how calm I am with sleeping. I can wake up a couple of times, but I ensure that nothing interrupts my sleep.
  16. Henry

    What's your favorite browser?

    Brave Browser have been good for me. I really enjoy making use of it in most of the things that I do.
  17. Henry

    What you do when you lose internet connection?

    I force myself to sleep whenever that it happens. I just go to bed, and that is because I don't always want a situation where I end up staying up and getting frustrated because of Internet connection.
  18. Henry

    Do you use Facebook or Instagram?

    This could be as result of trying to uploaded contents that is against their terms and conditions. Have you really checked about that?
  19. Henry

    Have you ever cheated in playing poker?

    I have not cheated while playing poker. I always want to enjoy my time playing poker, and there is no point trying to cheat anyone during the time because I am good at playing it.
  20. Henry

    Have you considered quitting your job to play poker full time?

    There are even no guarantees that you are going to make enough to be able to cover your feeding should you decide to take playing poker quite seriously. So, it is not great to stop working because of that.