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A coin wrapper, sometimes known as a bank roll or roll, is a paper or plastic container for a number of coins. In the 19th century, coins were distributed in large cloth bags and coins were hand wrapped. Since the onset of the 20th century, coin wrapping machines have been in use. The earliest patent for a coin wrapping machine was in 1901. By 1910, automatic coin counting machines were in use, which could reject counterfeit coins, wrap coins, and crimp the coin wrapper ends.

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  1. Ja sa bong

    Do you have a different fund set aside for your playing bankroll?

    How do you manage your finance for playing poker? It doesn't matter if you're playing online or offline, funds are needed to play. Do you set aside a different slush funds for your gambling or do you dip hands into your regular funds to play with it?
  2. Bawse

    How important is bankroll management to you?

    I put bankroll management before everything else. I learned the hardest way possible that I need to follow bankroll management, and don't cheat it trying to make fast money. Is bankroll management important to you? How important?
  3. Bawse

    Bankroll Management for Cash Games?

    How do you manage your bankroll when you play cash games? Is there any difference to applying bankroll management from tournaments when you play cash? Any good books for cash game bankroll management? Which ones do you recommend?
  4. Bawse

    Breaking Bankroll Management on Downswings

    I have poker friends that message me when they're playing bigger buy-ins, and in my head I'm like what are you doing, but I still wish them good luck. It's crucial not to break bankroll management during downswings. It requires lots of discipline, and I always tell my poker friends to trust in...
  5. Bawse

    Do you have any goals for your bankroll?

    What goals have you set for yourself in terms of your bankroll? How high have you set your goal? Do you believe your goal is realistic? How long do you think it'll take you to achieve you desired bankroll?
  6. Bawse

    How many times have you failed at bankroll management?

    This thread is going to require some honestly. How many times have you failed to build your bankroll up and cash out when you reach your goal? Did you break bankroll management, and not stick to your BRM strategy? I'm not going to lie. I've done it more times than I like to admit, but I've also...
  7. Bawse

    Don't Play Bigger Games to Make Your Bankroll Back

    Nobody likes to lose, and see their bankroll disappear. However, if you play bigger buy-ins when you start to lose a stretch of games it's likely you'll go broke. It's a common mistake by recreational players, and even players that play all the time. Some players completely ignore bankroll...
  8. Bawse

    Have you ever built a bankroll from freerolls?

    Playing freerolls online can be a good way to gain experience, and earn a couple dollars to play real money games. I've had success multiple times turning nothing into something playing online poker. My best freeroll story is when I was playing underage under my moms name. I was only 14, and I...
  9. Bawse

    How much $ do you start with to build your bankroll?

    How much money do you think players should start with to have success with bankroll management? What levels do you recommend they start at? Any other thoughts?
  10. Bawse

    My Simple Bankroll Management Gameplan (Tournaments)

    Bankroll management is extremely important, and I recommend it to everyone that plays poker. However, don't over-think bankroll management. Keep it simple, and stick to the gameplan, trust the process. Ideally you want at least 20x your buy-in before moving up stakes. You might even want to...
  11. Bawse

    Reasons Why Bankroll Management Is Important

    You cant control the results. Bankroll management helps you with variance. Winning players get rewarded over time, because if your making good moves... Your hands will eventually hold, and you will get some run good, and results. Teaches you to manage your money. You learn to be discipline. You...
  12. Bawse

    Bankroll Management for Cash Games

    How many buy-ins do you need before moving up to the next level/stakes? Also when should you move down stakes. How many buy-ins until it's time to move down limits?