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poker sites

  1. Ja sa bong

    Do you trust online poker sites with your personal information?

    Online poker sites will request for your personal information when you're making use of their services especially when you want to process withdrawal for the purpose of conforming your real identity. It's known companies with access to people's personal information usually sell it for their...
  2. Heatman

    What are the best poker sites for night play?

    For someone who's working 10 hours night shift from around 8PM to 6AM and have the chance of playing online poker within that time frame, what are the best poker sites to play at the time that's going to have good traffic specifically for someone living in the UK time zone?
  3. Ja sa bong

    Why can't US players play real money games on EU poker sites?

    I know US poker players can only play real money poker games of online poker sites which are only in the sites that are legal in their states. What I can't understand is the reason why they can't play on EU poker sites. What could be the reason why US players are not allowed to use EU poker sites?
  4. Bawse

    What social media site brings you the most visitors to your sites?

    Are there any social media networks that bring you more visitors to your poker sites? Which ones are better for you to drive traffic to your poker sites?
  5. Bawse

    What poker site would you base your poker software on?

    If there is a poker site that you would copy their layout/design. What poker site would you try to copy? What poker software do you love the most?
  6. Bawse

    What poker sites would you NOT recommend for others to play?

    I'm building a list of untrusted US poker sites for my new site, and if anyone has any sites I can add, it would be greatly appreciated. If you know any online poker rooms accept other countries, but not USA players that are also untrustworthy. Please let us know in the...
  7. Bawse

    What poker sites do you play on?

    I currently own play ACR. Lot's of restrictions make it harder to play at most sites. I don't have ID, so I cant play at the bigger sites until I get new ID since they require you to play against other players from Ontario, and to verify your ID now. So ACR is basically all I got. Where do you...