Holdem Manager and it’s suite of products has been used by over a million online cash game and tournament players since first launched over 12 years ago and HM3 is the most powerful and eloquent version of Hold’em Manager that has ever been released.
The HM3 heads-up display seamlessly overlays key opponent stats directly on all the tables you are playing while the state of the art query tools and built-in reports allow for post-session analysis of your results like never before.
HM Apps further extend the capabilities of HM3 over time by allowing a marketplace of 3rd party developers to integrate additional features and tools directly into HM3.
Whether you are a casual player or a professional, HM3 was designed and developed by poker players and for poker players with a simple goal of helping you improve your results through more informed decisions.
The HM3 hand database is constantly updated as you play hands and we simultaneously overlay (directly on your tables) key database stats on your opponents. This overlay is known as the HM3 heads-up display (“HUD”). Select from several pre-configured HUDs or build your own from the 1000’s of stats in the HM3 database.
After your sessions, review your results or further analyze the play of key opponents by selecting from standard reports or build custom reports. HM3’s report filtering capabilities for hands and situations is an industry standard in it’s simple eloquence and amazing power.
Source: https://www.holdemmanager.com/hm3/
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