The owner asked me to share links with our users to the new Stock Poker software. If you still have the old Stock Poker software, please uninstall it, and re-download from stockpokeronline.com. This is only if you haven't updated the software, since Stock Poker moved over to We Play Network. The new network features a daily $200 freebuy. All accounts have been transferred as well. Here are some direct links to download the new software.
Windows https://files.stockpokeronline.com/downloads/StockPokerWP/win/StockPokerSetup.exe
Mac https://files.stockpokeronline.com/downloads/StockPokerWP/mac/StockPokerSetup.dmg
Android https://files.stockpokeronline.com/downloads/StockPokerWP/android/StockPoker.apk
Go to https://stockpokeronline.com to access the HTML version.