I decided to write another article, because it's been awhile since my last one. This one will be focused on bankroll management, because I believe bankroll management has been instrumental to my success in online poker for 2024. I hope I see lots of run good throughout 2025.
Before I started playing online poker again, I took a long mental break, and quit playing any poker. I returned with a vengeance, and I was determined to prove to myself that I can succeed long-term in poker, and have winning results. I have a love/hate relationship with online poker, and a history of running up a bankroll from nothing, but one day I lose it all by not sticking to my plan. Over the last year I've worked on improving my bad habits, and being more discipline.
You cannot let your emotions change how you play, and every time I recognized myself getting frustrated. I'd force myself to take a break, so I can cool off. I had a few hiccups, but nothing I couldn't recover from, and technically it was still within bankroll management. I only played buy-ins a little higher than what I normally play. It's a bad practice to do that, especially if you join a bigger buy-in to try and make losses back at lower stakes.
I had winning results throughout 2024, and I credit it to my discipline of not breaking bankroll management. Making sure I have at least 25+ buy-ins, and playing the stakes/tournaments I planned to play. I'm always working on my game, and trying to adapt my game when other players start to figure me out. You need to trust the process, always battle/grind, and if you still have chips, you're not out! I only play tournaments, no cash games. I don't believe I have the mental discipline to handle the swings in cash games. It's easier for me not to tilt when I play tournaments.
This year (2025) I plan to move up to consistently playing $3.30-$5.50 buy-ins online before the year is done, but if I need too I will move back down stakes when downswings start to hurt my bankroll, and to avoid going broke, move back down until I level back up. If anyone has tips or advice, please share below!
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