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What are the best qualities of a good poker player?


Regular Poker Communist
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For a poker player to become good and successful, there are expected qualities they must exhibit that will always give them advantage over others whom they are playing with. Some of these good qualities are; Being extroverted, doesn't take things personally when playing, always cool under pressure and not being too greedy.

What are the best qualities of a good poker player?
The best qualities of a poker player is don't let your eyes give you away. Don't bluff unless you at least have some kind of hand and don't just assume you have the best hand but try and check the tell-tell signs that your opponent may have a better hand. Your opponent could have a good hand but yours is better or vice versa.
The best quality a poker player can have is discipline. If a player is disciplined with the way they play, and how they manage their bankroll.

The sky is the limit!
A real calmness and not letting anything faze you. From experience I've also noticed that the players who generally win aren't afraid to take risks.
As a poker player, you must exhibit the following qualities;

-Emotional control
-Bankroll management
-Ability to detach yourself from the outcome of the game.
Someone who goes in to play and makes it a priority.

If you see someone with a beer in their hand or playing with their social buddies, they're there for entertainment with a chance of winning.

It's the loners who are into the game that are there to win.
I think to be a top poker player, you need to have the perfect mix of discipline and creativity. The best players are disciplined enough to keep their cool whether they're up big or getting crushed. They also come up with creative solutions to sticky situations all the time.

I also believe that even though math skills are great, it's mainly about making the right decisions consistently, even when you're tired or bored.

Another thing I noticed is that the best players I know are actually pretty fun at the table. They keep it professional but know poker's still a game at heart. Oh, and they never stop studying. They know the game is always evolving and they evolve with it, whether in the moment or over a long period.
Being a good sport and making fun conversation while making the most of the game. No one likes a sore person at the table.
That's cool! A lot of people do not know that a good poker player should be patient and should also be more focus. He should also stay calm and thinks clearly.
