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When did you start playing poker?


Staff member
Poker Coins
When did you start playing poker? Did you start playing at a young age? Who taught you how to play poker?
I have not played poker in a long time now but I learned through a site owned by EA called Pogo when they had Poker on there and then from there went to poker sites to play.

I have not played Poker now in about 16 years.
When I was like... I want to say 8 if not a bit younger, there was a casino game on my SNES and I played it, not sure what I was doing lol.
If I remembered correctly, it should be 10 years ago that I started playing Poker. I was actively playing it years ago but the desire have dropped over the years because I have other things of interest that takes my time and money as a hobby.
I started when I was underage(14 years old). I was playing freerolls online using my moms name, just incase I won some money, and I wanted to cash out.
I started playing about 13 years ago and haven't stopped since. I know I play Waaayyyyyyyyyy too much poker. I learned by watching my then boyfriend play online poker games.
I learnt how to play poker on the internet. I began learning by watching videos, and practising has made me a better player so far.
I started playing poker when I was about 16 years old playing low stakes. We played 7 card stud - Nickel dime quarter. It was a decent time.
I stared playing shortly after Moneymaker won. After watching that WSOP I started watching the World Poker Tour. I saw the advertisments for Tiger Gaming and sigend up. I also went on Meetup and found a local game. From there it was PokerStars. Then casinos started popping up all over the GVA and it was live cash for years. That earlt 2000's poker boom was the best of times. :)
