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  1. Shortie

    How many times do you wake up before morning?

    It is very rare that I fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. I tend to wake at least once or twice through the night, usually between 4 - 5 am I have noticed.
  2. Shortie

    Do you use Facebook or Instagram?

    I have both Facebook and Instagram and I will admit, I don't use them both as much as I used to. Twitter or as it is known now, X is the one I tend to use the most. Out of how much I use Facebook and Instagram when I do, I would say Facebook is the one.
  3. Shortie

    Do you snore when you're sleeping?

    I have not been told I sleep when I snore so I don't believe that I do :) actually, a relief as I feel that is what most are self-conscious about when they sleep :)
  4. Shortie

    Do you drink enough water daily?

    As much as I do try to drink more water daily, I know I don't drink as much as I should do and I need to work on that.
  5. Shortie


    I have heard of Paltalk but it is not something I have used or had a need to use at least for now.
  6. Shortie


    When it comes to drinks it depends on the kind of drink as to what is my favourite For warm I enjoy tea For a cold fizzy drink I prefer Pepsi Max or Pepsi Max Cherry
  7. Shortie

    What are you most looking forward to in summer 2024?

    2024 seems to be speeding through and I can't believe we are in April and almost halfway through April too! Summer 2024 is very much creeping up on us and with that, many people tend to have plans. Do you have any plans for summer 2024?
  8. Shortie

    Will you be watching the UEFA Euro 2024?

    Regarding football, I do not tend to follow it unless it is either The World Cup or the UEFA Euro. This year we see the UEFA Euro 2024 which starts in June and runs through until July. I will be watching and rooting for England to do well in this tournament. Will you be watching the UEFA Euro...
  9. Shortie

    Do you ever sleep through your alarm?

    Sleeping through my alarm is not something that happens often but it has been known to happen to me. Just today, I woke to notice I had slept through three alarms and woke later than intended. This always annoys me especially if I have plans for the day and I oversleep due to missing my alarm...
  10. Shortie

    What made you smile today?

    I woke up today and something told me to give a bet a shot on the popular horse race we get over here in the UK called the Grand National. The horse I bet on won and I won some money and that made me smile today :)
  11. Shortie

    Have you ever been drunk in your life?

    I have been drunk many times in my life but I wouldn't say I tend to get drunk anymore instead I will have a small drink to chill out rather than to get drunk. I notice that the older I get, the worse hangovers start to get so now I do all I can to avoid those rather than cause them.
  12. Shortie

    Why do goalkeepers always drink water after conceding a goal?

    This is something I noticed too and I have never been able to work out why that is the case. I guess due to how much effort they put in to make sure that they don't concede a goal, it can be tiring for them or failing that, it is something they do to avoid any kind of confrontation.
  13. Shortie

    Do your parents play poker?

    Poker was never something my parents were interested in that I remember, this was one of the reasons I learned poker myself the way that I did which was using free sites where I played for fun to learn. I am not even sure if my parents know how to play poker but I would imagine they do even...
  14. Shortie

    Do you still use a diary?

    It has been years since I last used a diary. I remember as a kid, diaries were all the rage and many young girls and some boys would have their own diary. Most came with locks on for security and secrecy but I can't say I see them as much any more now.
  15. Shortie

    Which mailing service are you using?

    Since Gmail was announced and opened, I started using that mailing service and have not turned back since. I find Gmail to be reliable and simple to use.
  16. Shortie

    I'm leaving!

    Years ago I used to see people post that they were leaving a forum and their reasoning was that the forum changed and they did not like the changes. They always came back though so I felt it was more for attention than them leaving.
  17. Shortie

    How many hours do you work everyday?

    I attempt to work 6 - 8 hours a day but I have been known to work around 12 hours in a day before. Due to my health, I aim for 6 hours now, 8 at maximum.
  18. Shortie

    How many bank accounts do you have?

    I currently have two bank accounts and one savings account. I have my main bank account where everything gets paid in and out of and then I have a second one which I created when I had to give my bank details to the Child Maintenance Service for my ex. His track record was bad and knowing he...
  19. Shortie

    How often do you have your haircut?

    I attempt to have my haircut once every six weeks as I feel that is the time frame in which I feel I need to have my haircut.
  20. Shortie

    How many Gmail accounts do you have?

    I have three Gmail accounts at the moment that I use daily. One is a personal account that I have, the other is an account I use for forums and such and my final one is one I use for everything else.