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  1. Demon_skeith

    What makes you stay awake at night?

    It's easy for me, I'm a born night owl, so staying up late is easy for me. I love doing all the stuff at night when everything is peaceful.
  2. Demon_skeith

    Morning Games

    That's not too bad, must have been rather lucky that morning lol.
  3. Demon_skeith

    Do you think online poker should be legalized?

    I can see why they wouldn't gambling addiction is an issue and I don't think the addiction should be made easier.
  4. Demon_skeith

    Have you ever got a royal flush?

    While playing the Trails of heroes series, it has its own poker game and I have gotten it, always a good feeling when I do.
  5. Demon_skeith

    If you won a package to a poker event what would you do?

    I'd see how much people want the package and most likely sell it off to get some guarantee money.
  6. Demon_skeith

    Have you been divorced?

    Nope, never got married, and if I do get married, I truly hope it doesn't happen. Can be rather nasty.
  7. Demon_skeith

    What annoyed you today?

    When I was out driving, I seem to have gotten every red let and it really started to make me mad.
  8. Demon_skeith

    Do you still speak to old friends?

    I haven't seen any of my old friends in a long while, most live out of town and I don't socialize enough to see people.
  9. Demon_skeith

    How hard is it for you to shake off a loss?

    Depends on how big the loss was, if a lot of money was lost, I don't think I could ever let it go.
  10. Demon_skeith

    When did you first learn how to play poker?

    Just from watching the world of poker tv show, pretty easy to follow the game.
  11. Demon_skeith

    How do you feel about players talking trash while playing poker?

    As long as it's all in good faith/humor, I wouldn't mind the trash talking and get in on it but again, it can't be for hurtful tones.
  12. Demon_skeith

    What do you think can be done to improve the online poker scene?

    Maybe reduce the sites to a few select places, don't want people going to random sites and being scammed for a cheap thrill.
  13. Demon_skeith

    He Stole MILLIONS At The World Series Of Poker

    Other than card counting, I don't get why people would cheat at big casinos. They got cameras and spies all over the place, you don't steal from casinos lol.
  14. Demon_skeith

    How do you reset your mind after a bad beat or big loss?

    Walk away and go home, have a good drink and head to bed so my mind clears. A new day can do wonders for a person.
  15. Demon_skeith

    How can you deal with an aggressive player?

    I would go to a different table, I rather not play someone who makes the game so heated.
  16. Demon_skeith

    How much cash do you bring to the slots?

    I would bring at max $20, any more than that and I'm sure I spend it all and don't want that.
  17. Demon_skeith

    professional wrestling

    I could watch it a bit back in the 90s, the people were more enjoyable. These days its kind of sad.
  18. Demon_skeith

    What's your favorite TV show that was cancelled?

    So many to list, but one that comes to mind if Megas XLR. That show needed more seasons.
  19. Demon_skeith

    What you do when you lose internet connection?

    Either watch a show or if I really must finish some online stuff, I'll plug in my phone and tether off my data internet.
  20. Demon_skeith

    Are you a winning player?

    Hardly a pro, but I would just do it for fun and good sport. Plus win a bit of cash.