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Search results

  1. P

    What's your favorite browser?

    I'm a Chrome user. Can't seem to use anything else. Edge pops up at times, like when I open a webp (I need to reassociate that now that it's on my mind), and it feels icky.
  2. P

    What's your favorite streaming service?

    I've always been a fan of Netflix, but their catalog seems to be shrinking. It seems like we're devolving from streaming services into a build-your-own cable package with all the different services now. This is one time that I wish there was a monopoly, so that I could have 1 login to view...
  3. P

    What is Your Favorite Online Casino Games

    Even though I know the odds are way against me, I like slots the best. That dopamine release is crazy seeing the spin and near-win stop.
  4. P

    Do you like playing with your smartphone?

    I play on my smartphone, but nothing is at stake. Solely for entertainment.
  5. P

    Have you ever fell asleep playing online poker?

    Probably shouldn't play that long to get in that state! :-P Take a win for a win, get up, and get out for the day. Don't push luck.
  6. P

    Do you think online poker should be legalized?

    I thought that online poker was legal, for as long as it was hosted in the Cayman's or something. Though, you need to bypass your country with a VPN... But, no, I don't think it will ever be globally legal. Every country wants those tax dollars from pots. It would take a lot of worldwide...
  7. P

    Who will win the World Series- a poll

    I go based on betting odds. The win is where the big money is at, usually.
  8. P

    Are you working part-time or full-time job?

    Still working essentially two full-time jobs trying to get my 3rd project done before Saturday. But, it's wonderful to know that I can just take a week long break and answer to no one if I want to or need to.
  9. P

    What do you use for email service?

    I have a personal Gmail, a pseudonym Gmail, and a couple of email accounts handled by Google for business purposes. I use my own SMTP server on some domains for junk emails (noreply@, dcma@, etc.) that I still need to check, but they're not worth using $6 Gmail accounts for them. I...
  10. P

    What are you listening to?

    I recently divested a large sum of money to put into other projects. It's time to remind myself to (Lil Dickey) Save Dat Money (or spend it wisely to get the most return out of it).
  11. P

    What did you last eat and drink?

    I just had a taco rice bowl with a protein drink as a side (a pre-mixed/boxed one that can go with a meal, not the powder stuff that you just have to choke down).
  12. P

    What makes you stay awake at night?

    I drink a pot of coffee a day. I'll probably die in my 40s because of this... 😂 But, nothing a little Xan can't solve if I really need to get to bed and the white noise isn't working.
  13. P

    What sport do you watch the most?

    I would have to say NFL now, even though I'm not a fan. The treadmill room at my gym has 9 TVs on and they all seem to have different games simultaneously playing. I'll catch some good plays, but I have no clue who they are. Then, I'll get back to my on-screen solitaire game. :-P
  14. P

    Have you watched any poker movies?

    I bookmarked this thread to revisit these titles tomorrow. I'm unsure how a poker movie would be. Now a poker movie, with some cheating, and some action because the boss found out? Might be okay!
  15. P

    What are you doing right now?

    Sitting in my sweat from the gym. Getting ready to hop in the shower and get to bed now!
  16. P

    What is the difference between live Poker and online Poker?

    Live poker as in person? You can read people better than you can read just the cards.
  17. P

    Good day

    Congrats @OVERTOP69 🎉
  18. P

    Does losing days mess with your confidence?

    I've been a daytrader longer than a poker player, and losses from day trading can get to you at times, but once you can control that emotion, it translates quite well to everything else.
  19. P

    Did you ever use your poker money for other personal expenditure?

    When I was in high-school, all the time. I'd always get a fresh $20 from my mom and the winnings would go to clothes, etc., if I won. If not, it was just a fun night of drinking with the boys.
  20. P

    Should dealers be allowed to play at casinos when off work?

    There are so many checks and balances, such as the first level being the floor boss, all the way to the 100s of security cameras. I don't see an issue with dealers playing in their own casinos, because it's not just their job on the line if they cheat, but it goes uphill which incentivizes...