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Search results

  1. Pally

    Do you have a different fund set aside for your playing bankroll?

    Yes. I've always been good at accounting and I keep the two separate. Now, granted, I don't play for a living, nor plan to any time soon. Maybe that answer would be different for someone who does. But it is where I am right now and I'm fine with that.
  2. Pally

    How many times have you lost your entire bankroll?

    I know I have years ago. There's only one time that really stands out. Since then, my bankroll management has been better. (And there was a period during the pandemic era and shortly after when I really didn't play much due to things going on in life.) No one likes losses and more so when...
  3. Pally

    Do you play video poker at the casino?

    Just curious if and how much others play video poker games at the casino. And, if so, what variants you like and how do you make out. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Pally

    Do you celebrate your birthday?

    Never been fan, to be honest. My family does a little something for me and I'm grateful for their love. But, personally, I never was into birthdays; just another day really.
  5. Pally

    Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy?

    Honestly, no. My wife and I don't always hit the casino together, but we generally do, and those are always fun nights out. So, not friction, just good memories. Funny story from when I was young: me and two of my brothers were playing poker and my grandmother's kitchen table. She walks in...
  6. Pally

    Ever Run a Casino or Gambling Related Website

    No, can't say that I ever started/owned one. Though I have, on and off, over the decades written content on the topic of casino gambling, nightlife, and related. (Most of my writing career, however, has been in technology and other boring stuff though.) I've done moderator work for the forum...
  7. Pally

    What are you listening to?

  8. Pally

    What are you listening to?

  9. Pally

    Would you consider getting back with your ex?

    Naw, been happily married for decades. And my ex-wife before that was, eh, donna pazza. (Some of my ex-girlfriends were too, come to think about it. Haha.)
  10. Pally

    Street Gambling

    Streets naw, not in adulthood. Poker with friends in a private residence, that's another story.
  11. Pally

    Responsible Gambling

    It is a very serious question. And I've known people have a problem with it. At the end of the day, the responsibility rests on the individual. Moderation in all things, being honest with yourself, and always keeping a rational outlook is key.
  12. Pally

    Best Casinos in Las Vegas (Poll)

    It would be hard to pick an all time favorite. And it has been awhile since I've played Vegas. But if I had to pick one, probably the Bellagio. Say what you will, but it is a swinging joint. :)
  13. Pally

    How often are you in a casino?

    Really depends. Years ago, several times a week. Now, as little as once a month. But it varies.
  14. Pally

    Do You Play Blackjack

    Absolutely love Blackjack. It is the only game that is in the same league as poker for fun and profit. :D
  15. Pally

    How many times do you wake up before morning?

    Normally lose count. I sustained a number of injuries, including some that involved nerve damage, in my young adulthood. So, yah, I wake up a lot. No fun, but such is life.
  16. Pally

    Do you snore when you're sleeping?

    Generally, no. But for the love of all that is holy, my wife does so horribly! I normally wear ear plugs. Sometimes I sleep on the couch. Oy vey. 🤯
  17. Pally

    What's your favorite fighting game?

    Same. Loved that series, both back in the day, and now. Have a few of those on Steam:
  18. Pally

    Do you play craps?

    I'll be up front, this one has never really been my game. But I've enjoyed craps on a limited basis over the years and done OK. A friend of mine from the gun club is a wiz at craps and on occasion when we and the wives hit the casino, it can be fun to play that table together. How about...
  19. Pally

    What did you last eat and drink?

    Wife made a nice dinner of veal cutlets and mashed potatoes. Been enjoying Grolsch pilsners this evening.
  20. Bluff.jpg

