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Do you need a high IQ to play poker?

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It's a no because an IQ isn’t necessary to play poker well. Your success as a poker player depends more on your skills. The skills I'm talking about include emotional control, patience, reading others, and understanding probabilities. If you practice consistently and learn from your mistakes, it matters more than your IQ.
If you have a high IQ you're more likely to pick up on situations where you can take advantage, steal a pot, or even make a big fold.
Have you ever heard of this before chess players are very good poker players I heard it a lot of times from pro online poker players
If you have a high IQ you're more likely to pick up on situations where you can take advantage, steal a pot, or even make a big fold.
You are right in your assertion. IQ goes a long way to letting you make the right decision when it's needed.
Have you ever heard of this before chess players are very good poker players I heard it a lot of times from pro online poker players
I have heard of this a couple of times and I can't help but agree to that assertions.
