Interested in joining the freeroll club? Here's how you can become a member.
You must have at least
10 quality posts, and a
minimum of 100 chips. 100 chips will be removed/taken from your account upon approval, and you'll be required to
maintain 50 chips in your account every month to keep your freeroll club membership. If you are removed from the freeroll club, you can rejoin the club for 50 chips ONLY if you were a member of the freeroll club previously, and was not banned from the club.
LIMITED TIME: Join the freeroll club witthout making the minimum post requirement, just reply below with "Add me". Make sure you fill out your screen names in your profile.
--Freeroll Club Members--
- Demon_skeith
- Aragon Burner
- Live4
- Skrillah80
- Jaime Finn
- royalflush122096
- Locky
- Airwalker
- rich79iu
- lbrew1
- Gaz2.0
- Monkey_B@LLs