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What was your longest poker session?


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How long have you played poker without taking any breaks? I don't include 5 minutes breaks during tournaments lol

I've stayed up for days playing online poker in the past, I'd say 3-4 days in a row would be my longest session without sleep(online).
Don't recommend playing on little or no sleep. Being alert/aware is import at the tables.
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I believe my longest poker session when I used to play was around 3 - 4 hours. I always played around 2 hours or a little more but there was one night that I stayed on later and then regretted it in the morning due to lack of sleep LOL
I believe my longest poker session when I used to play was around 3 - 4 hours. I always played around 2 hours or a little more but there was one night that I stayed on later and then regretted it in the morning due to lack of sleep LOL
I don't usually allow poker to get in the way of my sleep, lol. I don't play late till the night, once sleep rears its head I'm obeying straight up.
The longest session I’ve played lasted for an hour. I’m not skilled at poker, and I make a point to avoid getting addicted. I have an online job and am the only one supporting my parents financially.
