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When was your first experience in poker?


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When did you have your first taste of poker? Tell us your story so we can all look back at those first victories, defeats, and experiences. What made you to develop interest in poker and how has your playing technique change over the years?
like 40 years ago , i went online first time to play , always thought online was scary and dangerous , heard lots storyies, well i belive it was party poker site , now long gone. i invested 750 bucks,and was down and out. but i new i could win and was determined , so i invested 75 more buks, figured out, what games to play for my best chances, well lols ,turned that 75 back into 800 ish, and the rets is history with lots of poker tales.
you must have insight and determmantion ,must be able to learn and remember everthing, notes are a big part of the equation , you must commit to playing correctly,
i had some years of knowledge playing local circuts, luky for me alot of players would help me and tell me things i needed to know, after games were over ofcourse,that was invalueable info. i guess they saw something in me , ill always appreciate them for it. i guess thats why im willing to help others win if they ask
i belive you can teach others to win , but no matter what i teach , show and tell ,its up to you to push the narritive and keep doing what i can show you , dont deter from it, practice and push it, dont go back to your old way , keep pushing
My first poker game was in college with some friends. I didn't play well but that was when I started to develope interest in the game. I love games that challenges my IQ.
My first poker game was in college with some friends. I didn't play well but that was when I started to develope interest in the game. I love games that challenges my IQ.
That's a great start. A perfect way to start off with poker is to learn the game with friends. That’s great you to learn the ropes and that was why it kindle your interest for the game.
I tried poker for the first time about 10 years ago playing the games with friends online. I have since then continued to learn poker. I join online forums to learn more.
I tried poker for the first time about 10 years ago playing the games with friends online. I have since then continued to learn poker. I join online forums to learn more.
That's a great way to start. Playing poker with friends in a home game environment is definitely a good way to start before exposing yourself to the poker world.
Some years ago at the local casino with family, my brothers paid for a few hands so I could give it ago and walked away with a few extra bucks.
Some years ago at the local casino with family, my brothers paid for a few hands so I could give it ago and walked away with a few extra bucks.
Well, my first time touching poker I didn’t play for much cash that night but I was hooked on the game and that's what gets me attracted.
I was living in Saipan, a pacific island, in the 2000s. There were many poker rooms there and also a casino on a nearby island. I got into a little gambling there because that was part of the culture.
My parents introduced me to poker when I was 14. They paid for my $5 buy-in in a home game we played, and I won. It was also when I had my first beer.
I can hardly recall the first time I tried it. In fact, I only did it for fun. I was in my late twenties when I first gave it a shot. I was feeling bored, and online poker was very popular at that time, and it still is today, so I decided to give it a try. Hehe
I can hardly recall the first time I tried it. In fact, I only did it for fun. I was in my late twenties when I first gave it a shot. I was feeling bored, and online poker was very popular at that time, and it still is today, so I decided to give it a try. Hehe
Poker is very engaging and it could be a way to escape regular dullness. I also found pleasure in playing poker and it brings me great satisfaction.
