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  1. Shortie

    Have you ever cracked your phone?

    I am usually pretty careful with my phones but unfortunately, last year I accidentally dropped my phone and cracked the screen badly and ended up having to switch to another phone we had spare in the house.
  2. Shortie

    Do you wear hats?

    When I was younger, my mum always used to make sure I wore a hat out in the sun as I was blonde and had fair skin so I burn easily and can get heat stroke easily too. Since getting older, hats are not something I enjoy wearing.
  3. Shortie

    How often do you go grocery shopping?

    I buy groceries at least once a week when I do my weekly shop. I find doing it this way helps me keep food in the house and it is also affordable too.
  4. Shortie

    Are you currently in any debt which you haven't paid off?

    Unfortunately, I do have some debt over my head that was not created by me but was created by my ex-partner, with whom I was in a mentally abusive relationship up until 2015. I have been out of that relationship now for 9 years and I am still finding new debts that were taken out in my name...
  5. Shortie

    How many times do you brush daily?

    I have always brushed my teeth in the morning after I have eaten breakfast and at night right before I go to bed. Sometimes I will brush during the day if I feel I need to.
  6. Shortie

    Do you know any poker player who died while playing?

    I can't say that I have known anyone to die whilst playing poker. I could understand how it would happen if someone became so addicted that they didn't take care of themselves but thankfully, none that I know of.
  7. Shortie

    Is playing with VPN legal?

    I believe most sites have banned the use of a VPN. This is understandable as I can imagine there are many ways to cause issues using a VPN.
  8. Shortie

    Common mistakes that players make, and how can they be avoided?

    Many of us will have been playing poker for many years and we will have either made mistakes that we are now aware of or seen other players make mistakes that we know could have been avoided. What are some of the common mistaken you see players make that you know could have been avoided if...
  9. Shortie

    What tips would you give to someone new to playing poker?

    Poker is something many of us may have played for years and some of us will even go as far as to say we are somewhat pro at the game. Over the years of playing poker, you pick up so many tips and tricks that you can at some point pass down to others who are new at playing poker. If you met...
  10. Shortie

    How do you maintain emotional control during a poker game?

    When playing poker whether it be for real money or fun, it is always wise when you are playing in person to being to maintain emotional control so your opponents can not read you and get the upper hand and potentially win. When it comes to playing poker in person, how do you maintain emotional...
  11. Shortie

    Who taught you how to play poker?

    I taught myself to play poker. I always remember playing on a site called Pogo when they had their poker games available that you could play for fun and through playing on there I learned a lot about how to play and how to play in such a way that I got better at it.
  12. Shortie

    Are you addicted to playing poker?

    I at one point used to be addicted to playing poker, luckily I was only playing for fun and not for real money so it was not a big issue and it did not affect me in a bad way but I was worried about being addicted to playing and did instead choose to step away somewhat to prevent becoming over...
  13. Shortie

    Does playing poker help you to escape worry, trouble, boredom, loneliness, grief or loss?

    I will admit that even though I only ever play poker online for fun and not for cash, there have been times when I have played to take my mind off things and to distract me from things when things are getting too much. I feel it is always a good idea to have a distraction from the real world...
  14. Shortie

    Do you prefer playing online or offline?

    I prefer to play online poker than offline poker. My reason for enjoying online more than offline is because due to my having social anxiety, it means I can still play with real people without the need to be around them or even have to talk to them if I don't wish to.
  15. Shortie

    Have you considered quitting playing poker?

    When I used to play poker online years ago, I used to play it online and it did become an addiction at one point so I was thankful that I was not playing for money. I did at the time consider quitting due to how much I played but I found being strict with myself and playing less was a better...
  16. Shortie

    Playing for fun or money?

    Sometimes playing for money you get a different experience but I am not someone that feels I am lucky enough to play for money all the time. Due to this I much prefer to play poker most of the time for fun rather than money.
  17. Shortie

    How much have you lost on playing poker?

    I rarely play poker for money as I don't feel confident enough to play for money a lot of the time as I have not had the greatest of luck. The only time I have played for money was a small wager between friends and I did lose £10 during that so not a whole lot.
  18. Shortie

    Do you drink/smoke when you play poker?

    I don't tend to drink when I play poker and I am not a smoker so that is something I wouldn't do either. Most of the time when I play poker, I tend to sit chilling out playing with something like a soft drink or a warm drink.
  19. Shortie

    How do you read someone in poker?

    Reading someone in poker can be difficult if they are good at bluffing and you will be surprised at how many people are good at doing just that. Some people are very easy to read though in their facial expressions and how they act and if you watch those players you tend to learn a lot about...
  20. Shortie

    Is high IQ needed to succeed in poker?

    I wouldn't say that having a high IQ would affect anything would be a big advantage when it comes to poker, it may help a little but I feel the more you play poker, the more you learn in over time and that can help a great deal.