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Search results

  1. Shortie

    What did you last eat and drink?

    I last ate an apple turnover and last drank a cup of tea.
  2. Shortie

    Do you drink energy drinks?

    I have from time to time drank energy drinks but I tend to have them more as a treat once in a while than drink them all the time. I know of some people who drink quite a few daily.
  3. Shortie

    Sleep hygiene

    Due to suffering from fibromyalgia, I tend to have nights where I can shut off and sleep and then there are nights I just can't due to either pain or just not being able to shut off. It's a pain when I run into issues sleeping especially when I am very tired. I always aim for around 6 - 8...
  4. Shortie

    Do you own a snuddie?

    I do have a Snuddie. I was lucky to get not one but two on a sale around Christmas and also just after Christmas, so now I have one for when the other is being washed. They are so comfy and great for cold winter weather.
  5. Shortie

    Favorite juice?

    It's not too often I do drink juice but when I do, I much prefer to drink apple juice over any other. Orange is one I can tolerate but I find it can also cause heartburn which is never nice so as much as I do enjoy orange, I would say I have apple a lot more often.
  6. Shortie

    Are you in a relationship?

    I am in a relationship :) it will be 10 years this September coming in that I have been in this relationship for :)
  7. Shortie

    Do You Drink Beer

    I have tried beer in the past but I can't say it is something I like and other than trying it, I don't tend to drink it at all. I much prefer things like mixed drinks like Mojito and such.
  8. Shortie

    Do you play Fortnite Festival?

    Fortnite Festival has been out for just over two months now and we have seen many tracks rotate in and out. We have seen The Weeknd and now Lady Gaga as the artists for the Fortnite Festival. I love the Festival mode and play it as much as I can. Do you play Fortnite Festival? Do you have a...
  9. Shortie

    Thoughts on Aragog in Harry Potter

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was a movie I remember going to the cinema to watch with my two brothers, my mum and my grandma. Of course, it was a new movie so we never expected there to be a huge spider in the movie. Sat there watching the movie and this huge spider we now know as...
  10. Shortie

    Where are you from?

    I am from England, UK and I live in the same town I was born in. I have visited many different places in England and there are a lot of awesome places to visit that have so much to see but I have never moved away from the place I grew up.
  11. Shortie

    Favourite Hobbies.

    My favourite hobbies would have to be playing video games and posting on forums. I tend to do both of these daily but at the moment I would say I am doing more posting on forums than playing video games. My favourite game to play at the moment is Fortnite and I am loving the Fortnite Festival...
  12. Shortie


    My favourite movies of all time would have to be the Harry Potter movies. I could watch these over and over without ever getting tired of them. My personal favourite out of all the movies though would have to be the Chamber of Secrets.
  13. Shortie

    Would you play a poker room that operated through BTC/Cryptos?

    This would be something I would consider but I will admit, using my own currency would be something I would choose to use first over crypto unless I knew for sure my funds were safe in terms of crypto. I have no issue with crypto and have used it in the past but there is always a real risk of...
  14. Shortie

    How often do you play online poker?

    I do not play Poker now as much as I used to but when I used to play consistently, I would play daily usually on a night for a few hours each night. If I was still playing now it would probably be the same if I am honest.
  15. Shortie

    Last movie that you watched?

    The last movie I watched was Good Burger 2 in November of 2023. I was super happy to see them release a second movie as we had been waiting so long. The movie did not disappoint though! I hope they are considering a third movie :)
  16. Shortie

    Favorite foods/meals?

    One of my favourite foods would have to be Poke Bowl which I recently found out about. You can see what that is here if you are not sure :) I also enjoy sushi as well which is another favourite of mine :)
  17. Shortie

    Superbowl 2024

    I had a feeling the Chiefs would win the Super Bowl and it seemed they were the favourites as well. The 49ers for sure put up a fight though which was amazing to see. My eldest son stayed up and watched it and said it was a great game.
  18. Shortie

    Have you ever played any sports?

    I have played many sports in my time both as a kid and as I got older. As a kid, I used to play tennis and was once in an after-school club for tennis too. I also played a lot of football. There was a sport we used to play a lot in school during PE which was rounders (similar to baseball) and...
  19. Shortie

    Favourite Football (Soccer...) team?

    I do not tend to watch too much football or follow it too often but the ones I do follow are the EUROs and also the World Cup. I support England when it comes to those and also support the team for where I live too (will not mention the name as public forum) In terms of the big top premier...
  20. Shortie

    Online shopping?

    I do enjoy shopping online, it gives me the chance to avoid crowds and my anxiety getting bad but it also gives me the option to browse better and find a product I know is worth it over just picking anything up when I am out. Amazon has to be my favourite place to online shop.